
June Report

The Grant County Copper CowBelles met on June 19, 2018. After the pledge, creed and prayer the May minutes were approved. Correspondence included a thank you from Lorraina Robertson for the money given to her to help cover her Beef Ambassador expenses. Treasurer Mary Hudson gave her report and stated that the bank is willing to issue a debit card on our account. Having a card will eliminate the issues we have been having writing checks to purchase food and supplies for events.

President Deborah van Telligen gave a report on the Mid-year meeting and announced that she has been appointed as interim secretary for the NM CowBelles. Kathy Davis, chair of the Marketing committee gave a progress report on the banners being developed for the fair and Pat Hunt, chair of the Scholarship committee asked members to be thinking about changing the scholarship eligibility requirements from agricultural only degrees to include trade schools such as linemen and welders in an effort to support other rural careers. Everyone seemed open to the idea and the committee will meet to develop guidelines for consideration.

Deborah asked for someone willing to chair the upcoming County Fair. As no one agreed, she will send out emails. Our by-laws require money be spent to promote “June is Beef Month”. The usual event to surprise shoppers buying beef at the grocery stores was not scheduled therefore it was proposed to take out an advertisement in the local newspapers promoting beef, ranching and Copper CowBelles. Bobbie Neal-Little agreed to work with the papers to get it prepared before the end of June.

It was voted to approve a $100 donation to the Grant County 4-H pig, goat and steer jackpot to be held on June 30th.

Deborah appointed several members to a committee to develop the 2019 budget. An audit of the 2017 checking account is still pending.

The next meeting is scheduled for August as July is always an open month. Submitted by Pat Hunt


NMCB Mid-year wrap up

NMCB President Nancy Phelps appointed Deborah van Tellingen as NMCB Secretary

The Beef Fit Fun Run was a success

The 2019 Budget was approved

Nancy Phelps had been preparing to be President for 2019 but was thrown in the position early and some things have fallen thru the cracks, including not notifying the NMCB Man of the Year that he won the award. Madalynn Lee announced that our 2018 NM Cowbelle Man of the Year is 2018 Blair Clavel from Roy, New Mexico. We will re-invite him to Annual to recognize his achievements. President Phelps thanked Casey and Charity for their help in getting up to speed on things and promised to do better going forward.  Nancy wanted everyone to know that she has an open line of communication and is here for us in any way we need her.

NOTE: Debi Rupe, editor of the Wrangler, asked that we tell our locals about the Wild Apricot system and that the email address comes from NM COWBELLES WILD APRICOT EMAIL ADDRESS, not from Debi Rupe. Also, that only 44% of the emails were opened and only 12% clicked on the link to look at the Wrangler. There are also email fails and if the emails go to SPAM. Please check your SPAM boxes. Suggested that we take a computer to our meetings and show the members how it works and how to open an attachment. Also, there is an idea to use the blank space on the paper copy for promotion and ads. All ads must be for beef or ag promotion or industry.

Caren Cowan updated us on current Legislative action. Things look grim at the legislative level unless we get involved.

Dina Chacon Reitzel from the New Mexico Beef Council came to talk to us about NMBC upcoming projects and how appreciative they are of the NMCB efforts for beef promotion.  NMBC will pursue the State Beef Checkoff again thru the legislature

Jennie Hodgen/Associate Director Meat Science Merck Animal Health

Jennie showed us how to cut up a whole strip loin, what consumers think about meat and how we can promote beef.

Consumers are not educated on the cuts of beef

****Leah Tookey/Curator of History-NM Farm and Ranch Museum. Spoke of collaboration that the Museum has with the Cowbelles to document and preserve our history. The goal is to keep the history of farming and ranching alive. Ashley Ivens contacted Leah to archive the Cowbelles items that Ashley was receiving. The museum has 6 boxes of our items and there is a list of items that will be given to current President Nancy Phelps. Any NM Cowbelle can see the collection, but Leah asks for us to make an appointment with her first.****

Amanda Ball-Director/NM Agriculture leadership Program, an 18-month course “The Need for Ag Leadership”. Amanda spoke about the state of Ag today and presented several bullet points about consumer information, genetic information in our food, SNAP program and loss of farmland equivalent to the size of the State of New York from the years 1992-2012. Amanda also spoke on the upcoming opportunities for Ag leadership. Getting involved in policy, telling stories or claiming our seat at the table.

Date to note: December 5-8, 2018 NMCB AND NMCA Annual Meeting Albuquerque, NM


May Report

The Grant County Copper CowBelles met on May 15, 2018.  After the pledge, creed and prayer the April minutes were approved and the March minutes were amended to allow the President access to the e-banking accounts.  Correspondence included a donation request for the cake walk at the Silver City Museum July 4th event.  Kim and JoAnn reported on the auction at the Cowboy Fiesta Party.  For a first time event the auction and the dinner/dance did very well.  Plans are already in the works for next year’s event. Money earned was transferred from the regular checking account to the scholarship fund.  It was decided not to have a float in the July 4th parade but consideration is still being given to participating in the Wine Festival to be held in July that would possibly involve wine pairing with beef samples.  President van Tellingen regretfully announced the resignation of Ashley Ivins as NMCB President.  She encouraged everyone to attend the upcoming mid-year meeting in Ruidoso.  The Town wants new contracts signed for the “Adopt a Median” program Copper participates in.  The Executive Board will review the contract before signing.  Copper recently lost past members, Jo Bounds and Brenda Bays.  Memorial donations have been received.  A donation to the Pat Nowlin fund in their memories will be voted on at the next meeting.

Submitted by Pat Hunt