
Shindig Tickets


Tickets are $30 in advance, $35 at the door — or reserve a party table of 8 for $280 (tables are limited).

Tickets can be purchased at Aunt Judy’s Attic, Western Bank, Farm Bureau Insurance – Susan Sumrall, Circle S Western Emporium in Deming and Copper CowBelle members. 

For more information call Pat Hunt at 534-7649.


February CCB Meeting Recap

The Grant County Copper CowBelles met February 21st for a brown bag luncheon meeting.  There were two guests, Deborah Van Tellingen and Mary Hudson.  The Pledge, Creed and Prayer were read and members spent a moment catching up on personal news.  The revised minutes for August 23, 2016 and October 25, 2016 will be sent out by email requesting any further corrections and will be formally approved at the March meeting.  President Pat Hunt urged everyone to check their emails more often for current news as Pat and Linda send out updates frequently.  Correspondence was a note from Kim Clark for her thank you gift for her Presidency last year.

There was much discussion about the upcoming Shindig, April 22nd.  Projected income and expenses were discussed as well as the catered meal, decorations, auction items, advertising and an item for the scholarship fund.  March 11th was set to meet at the storeroom to inventory decorating items.

Joan Woodward, Bobbie Neal-Little and Rosella Escobedo agreed to head the scholarship committee this year, Pat will forward all the materials they will need.  Pat reminded everyone of upcoming events:  District III meeting, March 25; McKeen Ranch Days (volunteers needed!) April 25-26; WALC, May 30-June 1 and Midyear in Ruidoso, June 19-21.  Kim Clark was thanked for her work on the yearbooks which will be sent out very soon.

Kathy Davis, Vivian Myers and Tammy Ogilvie were thanked for helping Pat with Chocolate Fantasia held February 11th in downtown Silver City.  A note was sent to Charmeine, manager of the Silver City Food Coop, thanking her for inviting us to participant at their table.  We sold 4 cookbooks at the event and handed out beef information.


Great Press

FB_IMG_1486853686851.jpgVia: Silver City Daily Press

Copper CowBelles keep ringing their bells for beef

Don’t be fooled by the adorable name, the Copper CowBelles are a powerful group of Grant County women busy with the task of convincing the community to love beef as much as they do.

They have ads promoting beef on the radio, give out certificates for free beef, have three different Copper CowBelle signs welcoming visitors to Grant County, have adopted the median on U.S. 180 across from Western Bank, and maintain a presence each year at the Grant County Fair and this past year, at the Tamal Fiesta.

And although this extremely active organization, made up of 30 Grant County women, turned 40 last year, its members say that it has largely stayed the same throughout the years because of an unfaltering belief in its strong values — beef promotion and the protection of western ranching heritage.

Read full article here.