
Meatless Monday…

It is always discouraging when someone you know decides to follow the “Meatless Monday” movement. It is especially hard to understand when it is a close friend or family member. Why are your friends and family making these choices? Many think it is a better health choice, some are following a proclamation made by a celebrity, and others for personal or religious reasons.

Amanda Radke takes on the challenge of discussing the celebrity angle in her recent blog at

Stella McCartney Tells Fans To Go Meatless On Mondays; Agriculture Responds

 Click here to read the blog

The blog post also includes a video in the “Meat Crusher” series from The American Meat Institute and American Meat Science Association. 

According to the Meat MythCrusher video, meat offers “a number of nutrition benefits that cannot be replaced without other dietary changes. Protein is a necessary part of the diet, and meat and poultry are considered complete proteins, meaning they provide all the essential amino acids needed for health.”

Radke suggests that we should show the video on social media sources to balance the conversation.


CowBelles announce the date for their 2014 Shindig…

Mark your calendar!  The date for the Copper CowBelles 2014 Shindig is Saturday-April 12th.

We have reserved the Flame Convention Center and booked The Yarbrough Band.

The CowBelles leadership have selected the theme “SPRING ROUND-UP” and are well on their way to planning the annual event. Make plans to join the CowBelles for an evening of dancing, making new friends and renewing old acquaintences.

The event will be a dinner, dance and silent auction as it has been in the past.

We are working on confirming our caterer, getting auction items, and printing tickets and posters.

Stay tuned for more details!

Hope you will make plans to join us on April 12th! Any questions, please contact Copper CowBelle Co-President Judy de Pedro at 575-535-2567.