
October Meeting Recap

Congratulations and thank you to our new slate of officers for 2018.  We are excited and looking forward to a great year!
Mark your calendars for November 4th.  If you can come help empty our storeroom at U Store It and take it out to our new room at Mangas Springs we would love the help.  Meet at 9 at U Store It, bring a sack lunch and we will eat a bite when we finish!
Mark your calendars for December 12th.  That is the day of our annual Christmas luncheon.  It will be a potluck at the Extension offices.  11:30 to 1:00.  If anyone wants to organize the dishes or a white elephant gift exchange or anything to make it fun, let us know!  By the way, Judy did contact Wranglers for us but they are already committed to Kiwaniis every Tuesday.  We could have picked another day of the week but they wanted a minimum of 15 people that would order off the menu.  Tuesday’s meeting only had 10 attendees so I was afraid to commit to more.
Remember there is no November meeting scheduled except storeroom moving day on the 4th.